I previously posted my presentation at the KL GAFE Summit on how the Alice Smith School uses Google Sites and the Awesome Table Gadget to recreate the functionality of a VLE/LMS. I have continued to refine the presentation of data from our GSheet markbooks back to our students via GSites using the Awesome Table Gadget (ATG) and Google Apps Script (GAS).
The image above shows my test data when I visit the Biology Department's Investigative Biology GSite and look at my data for the Core Practicals we assess our students against. The graphs are generated from GAS; the pull data from the GSheet and present it in this interactive bar graph. The 3 tables of data are generated using the ATG and Proxy Script -- pulls the logged in user's data only -- which are looking at the same GSheet markbook as the GAS that builds the graphs.
A recent addition to the presentation of data in our markbooks has been the use of Sparklines; these are the small graphs that can be inserted into cells in a GSheet. Getting them to appear in the GSite via ATG is thanks to the work of James Pearson (https://sites.google.com/a/nihr.ac.uk/external-demo-site/sparkline-awesome-table).
On the right hand side of the GSites page I have used ATG to return the students' reflective comments on their work so that they can see the progression of their attitudes to their work. I gather this info using a GForm with Autocrat added on to generate a GDoc version of the students' responses. The ATG template is bringing back the students' responses and the blue buttons are links to the Autocrat GDocs. In the future I intend to correlate the students' numerical attitudinal responses to their write-up assessment scores to identify any trends that are affecting their performances.
I will create some YouTube videos to demonstrate how I have put this GSite together in future posts.