Sunday, 2 March 2014

Strategic Change Models: Concerns Based Adoption Model

As a technology integrator and "sometimes" systems analyst and designer, I need to make sure that the systems and technology I try to bring to bear on my teachers work. I have used Roger's Diffusion of Innovations model already in the use of our VLE, the spreading of Google Apps For Education and the use of iPads in my school.

I have not used the Concerns Based Adoption Model, so this was interesting and really very useful. I wish I had the time in my timetable to speak with every member of staff on a one-to-one basis like I did for this task.

Teacher Profile and Concerns Based Adoption Model
I thoroughly enjoyed doing this task. "Ms Rivers" is a pseudonym for one of my colleagues and she has since read the report I have presented here. It was good to sit with her and go through the Concerns Based Adoption Model as it allowed me to put into context some of the language of the questions, but also to remind her that she has done a great deal of IT in the time that I have known her; sometimes people need to hear that they are doing a good job! Ms Rivers was surprised by my report but when I explained my thinking to her she had to agree!

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