While I didn't get a chance to tam plan or team teach this lesson, the Head of French did review the lesson and thought it would be good to teach and would work for her content and students.
Content Area:
Modern Foreign Languages (French) Environment theme / Biology Ecology and the Environment
Grade Level or Target Group:
Y10/11 iGCSE
Pre Planning
Big Idea(s):
- develop understanding and use of written and spoken forms of the target language, in a range of familiar and practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes
- develop the ability to communicate effectively in the target language through speaking, using a range of vocabulary and structures
The specification also states that students should be able to listen, speak and write about the modern world and the environment.
Topic area D refers to “The modern world and the environment”. Students may communicate about: Current affairs and social issues, Environmental issues, The media (eg TV, film, radio, newspapers), Information and communication technology (eg
internet, mobile phones, email).
The iGCSE Biology specification refers to Human Impacts on the Environment. The students have impacts they should know about and in the context of the MFL cross-over, may choose which is appropriate.
Section 4 - d) Human influences on the environment
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- 4.11 understand the biological consequences of pollution of air by sulfur dioxide and by carbon monoxide
- 4.12 understand that water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and CFCs are greenhouse gases
- 4.13 understand how human activities contribute to greenhouse gases
- 4.14 understand how an increase in greenhouse gases results in an enhanced greenhouse effect and that this may lead to global warming and its consequences
- 4.15 understand the biological consequences of pollution of water by sewage, including increases in the number of micro-organisms causing depletion of oxygen
- 4.16 understand that eutrophication can result from leached minerals from fertiliser
- 4.17 understand the effects of deforestation, including leaching, soil erosion, disturbance of the water cycle and of the balance in atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide.
For the purposes of this lesson, the students will be given links to websites with specific environmental issues. They will also be given the opportunity to search for their own interests; this choice will produce differentiation in the task.
Websites from Canada are written for French and English and will be assigned to those students who require support. Sites from France are in French only and will be assigned to the more proficient language students.
Essential Questions:
What environmental issue are you interested in?
What are the issues that concern you / What are the effects of the issue?
What are scientists in doing about it?
Given access to various French language websites for information, students will create a VoiceThread news report of no more than 5 minutes, or a written paragraph / poster of no more than 150 words, that answer the essential questions, while including relevant vocabulary for the environment topic.
Summative Assessment:
Students will submit their objects for peer and teacher assessment. Results of quizzes will be used to assess progress in the lesson.
Lesson Opening
Students will be presented with the topic title and objectives.
As a plenary activity, students will complete the quiz
Lesson Body
Students access one of the following sites. They will listen to or read the content aiming to summarise the content of the articles/videos, identifying the environment related terminology.
Musee Virtuel Canada: http://www.especesmenacees.ca/fr/pollution.php
(most relevant to Biology specification)
Government of Canada Science site:
Sites from France:
- La Recherche: http://issuu.com/larecherche - This site has multiple publications of different science topics. Students may search for something they are particularly interested in.
- La Recherche: http://www.larecherche.fr/savoirs/dossier-special/nitrates-controle-01-07-2008-89222 - This special edition is specifically about nitrates and their effects on the environment. Students should start with this if they are not confident.
- La Recherche: http://issuu.com/larecherche/docs/feuilletage_n__472 - this edition has a good article on climate change.
- French newspaper with science section: Le Monde: http://www.lemonde.fr/sciences/
Students proceed to write their own environment related object using the language they have found.
Check for Understanding: Students begin by working their way through the GCSE Bitesize Revision and Test Bite: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/french/listeningh/h05_list_environment_rev1.shtml
Extended Practice: (Authentic assessment)
Students will enter the Language Perfect competition. http://start.languageperfect.com/
Lesson Closing:
Students will be given a choice of Quizlet quizzes to complete based on their language skills. First language French students, Gifted and Talented and students targeted A/A* will be assigned the harder quizzes.
Materials needed for this lesson:
SMARTBoard and Projector, Students personal devices/iPods/iPads/Laptops, Headphones/microphones, Wifi access.
Phillips, M. (2014). Team teaching with technology: upsetting the TPACK applecart. Retrieved from http://acec2014.acce.edu.au/sites/2014/files/drafts/Team%20teaching%20with%20techonology.%20Upsetting%20the%20TPACK%20applecart.pdf.
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