I built a Google/ATG Class Dojo last year (https://sites.google.com/a/alice-smith.edu.my/googleclassdojo/home) and found a need recently to use it more seriously.
The upgrade, apart from a bit of CSS make-up ;), shows the scores each student has achieved in the dashboard I look at; these scores are graphed in the student page using a Google Apps Script. More importantly, there is a pre-filled GForm (blue button) that allows me to give feedback to the students on particularly important tasks. The form uses DocAppender to write the feedback into a GDoc that is embedded for the students (shared with Doctopus) in my teacher site (uses ATG proxy) and uses Form Notifier to email the students that I have posted something. Below the buttons in the image above, the comments I have written are presented back to me so that I can quickly scan them before making other posts; rather useful to see if repeated behaviour or progression has occurred.
The identified need was to have my comments/feedback appear in one place, and for the students be able to see the development of feedback for each piece of work that they do; my students use GDocs and various other apps that live in the cloud and aren't necessarily in one place-certainly not in a paper file-and I mark them online in the native app. The GDoc is shared with the students with comment access so they are able to write/edit the doc and it sends me notifications as the comments are created: the conversation occurs.
The other parts of the student page show their test scores (ATG Proxy), a link to their GDrive folder that I share at the start of the course with Doctopus (ATG Proxy), a GForm for student reflections on their test performances with their submissions embedded back into the page (ATG Proxy), and the student's gClassroomDojo scores as a graph.
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